Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Send more sailors

Weekend's gone. Monday's gone too. It's so back to the chaingang. Time for a little daydream. Let's dream of fast and smooth sailing. Tacking right on top of the fleet. Those first few super-important moves right after the start. Heart pounding like crazy. Here's a pic I took last week; I call it "Send more sailors".
"Send more sailors"
I know. The Laser hasn't been launched yet. Told you it's a daydream. Just imagine twentyfive of these moored at TYC, while we're outlining the course back at the round table. Then the RD shouts "lets get out there", and twentyfive sailors rush to their boats, set sail and steer south.
Right south of Tradewinds is the starting line in Siracusa. Oh the fun of having seven close races in less than two hours; Loads of tacking, luffing and room shouting, then planing downwind looking for that extra puff. While we're waiting, check Tillermans ramblings on propercourse... There's a few good points on upwind tactics. They're good no matter what boat you sail. Mmmm. I like daydreams; Especially the wet ones... how about you?


  1. I've been having day dreams about sailing again in high latitudes. Not sure why - its cold enough in real life!

    1. Have you seen a doctor about that? On the seriuos side: Those northern waters are spectacular. They're also a bit more challenging to sail. More remote. Colder. Less predictable. Small mistakes can be fatal. Is that it?

  2. Hmmm.

    25+Lasers. Those first few super-important moves right after the start. Fast and smooth sailing. Tacking right on top of the fleet. Heart pounding like crazy.

    Sounds just like one of my races in real life last Sunday. Details coming shortly in next post on Proper Course.


Noodle says hi and behave :-)

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