Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A virtual Dragon

It is a virtual Dragon allright, and a beautiful one. Vic said it is work in progress. That should mean it will be even better in the final version. If there is such a thing. Here's a fun picture... Classic meets future, only the future is now...
Grand-dad and grand-kid?
Suppose we have a Dragon and something very much resembling a 14 footerthe Flying Fizz. Old meets new, or is it really so? How many years apart are they now?

More pictures tomorrow. Sailing pictures. Orca has a few more shots here. Uhh, I can hardly wait to see a fleet of virtual Dragons fighting for the pin in the choppy waves some two hundred meters due south of the Tradewinds lighthouse.


  1. That's a fun question... the 14 footer was classed by IYRU a whole year before the Dragon was even constructed.
    Hope you are having fun in there,

  2. Hi Net,
    Long time no see. You are right. It is weird, but the 14 Footer is more classic than the Dragon. Who would have thought that...


Noodle says hi and behave :-)

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