Today is my one year blogoversary. Whoa! 365 days of fun has passed. Unreal. A year ago I was completely unaware what blogging meant, was and could. I just felt a strong urge to write. Suddenly it appeared to me; Blogging is the answer. I spent a few hours searching for blog tools, and soon after I posted
my first entry. So, here I am. Still finding my way through the blogosphere.
Yay! |
There are lots of blogs out there; Even lots of sailing blogs. Good ones. Many of these have inspired me, and I will just mention a few of the better ones. Alex & Taru's
blog is
the blog about the ultimate sailing dream. Tillermans
blog is a totally different sailing blog. Always interesting, often in a totally unexpected way. I guess
I like surprises... Oh, - Captain JP's
blog not only inspires me, - it gave me my best "blog-laugh" so far with the story about Buff's TV show. Maybe I should get me a blogroll or something.
And the quest? How's it going with the quest for realism? It's flying. Sailing in SL gets better by the day. Boat builders are improving, refining and creating better boats in a pace I can hardly keep up with. Balduin Aabye just released a Bolero with real telltales. ReneMarine has something truly amazing in the works, and Quest Marine just release the Q-Scow. A dinghy that actually feels like a dinghy. And then there is the Nemo, with a brand new realistic windsystem.
Boat race? Yes, indeed! |
Clubs, sailors and RDs are embracing the ISAF ruleset. Certain birds are singing about sailing in SL being even better in the future.We have weekly races for training. Weekly graded races provides a ranking in more than a handfull of boat types. And then there's a few cups around too. One world Cup, ACA Cup, Flying Fizz Cup. Nuff said. Look at the picture above. It does look like a boat race, right.
The other quest? Well, ever since my first day in SL, I've been looking for Strawberry Margaritas. Haven't yet found any, but yesterday I came close. I was in Costa Rica sims, looking for a marina, where I could launch my Fizz. Didn't find it. Instead, I found a bar that featured Strawberry Daiquiri. Not the same as a Margarita, but close...
Lounging with a Strawberry Daiquiri |
This picture is just me enjoying the Strawberry Daiquiri at ElMegros place. I guess he is ready for round three of the
Flying Fizz Cup 2011. Look at all those Fizz Cup flags! If you zoom in, you can see the zodiac in the back. Right there is the starting line.
Strawberry Margaritas 4ever!
Should I look back? Just a little?? ok...
Most beautiful post?
Do I have a most beautiful post? It is probably the one about the
The LeetleCat II in the North Sea. |
Most popular post?
The Mothosphere went crazy when I posted
Me Mothing south of Tradewinds YC. |
Most surprising post?
I never anticipated
this post would become so popular, but it did...
Night sailing in the Bolero. |
This will do for now, unless someone comes up with an absolutely fantastic category, which I have left out.
Summing it all up... Quite a few people have chosen to read my scriblings, and I am happy for that. I hope, I have inspired at least some of you to sail more in SL, - and maybe even in RL. The thought of that makes me smile. In any case, if you've had half the fun reading my blog, then I've had twice the fun writing it.
It's a new year, it's a new life... and I'm feeling good.