Logged in to check up on stuff... See if SL Sailing is still there, and it is. First I met these two sailorgirls. One had a Nacra 17 covered with Oracle stickers. The other one had a
Flying Catfish 33. I highly recommended the
Nacra 17, but the Catfish was kinda new to them, so they went for it...
Fair winds |
Then I rezzed my Laser and sat down to enjoy the sunrise for a while. The sunrise at Tradewinds is still spectacular. The sunrise in SL generally is. Some say the red colour is really caused by polution. Dunno if that's true in RL, but it can't be in SL :-D Anyway, here's another couple of
sunrises from SL. Here's a couple of shots from a
beautiful early morning sail. Oh and I won't forget the
Viking ship either.
Sunrise at Tradewinds |
Not much happened for a few minutes, but then I smiled as the sweet Samlara said hi. We talked a about about this and that and kids and stuff. Always nice to hear what's going on inworld. Sadly she had to run to RL. We all have to do that on occassions.
Sailing |
So there I was.
Laser, water, sunset, me... perfect sailing conditions... I cruised around for a while, and then I popped into RL again. Nice to know it's still there... the sailing, Tradewinds, the people. I kinda miss it all. Got to find more time for playing... maybe even do a cup once in a while. A virtual one. There's one running right now... "Second Sol". It seems there's no Tradewinds team in the game, and the qualifications just closed. Read all about it on Janes site,
here. Also, check the scores: "Grumpy Old Mens Yacht Club". I wonder how Ronin qualified for that, hehe.