Here's an update on Plywood City and Plywood Marina, remember? It all
began so well, but then it came to
a sudden halt. Now, there's an entirely new Plywood Marina, and this time it looks like they got it right. At least there's almost no Plywood left...
Waterfront |
Here's a view along the waterfront inside the Marina. Left to right it's Ana, me, Dutch and Rituals. Those three are the architects, builders, carpenters and painters of this new place, and now it even has a name: Puerto De Malla. Have fun translating that, hehe. (It's only around 90% true according to Ana).
Coffeeshop |
The shops are still empty, but the surroundings look pretty much done... and pretty too. I'd love to sit and have an espresso and a chocolate chip cookie in this little corner. There's a beautiful fountain nearby, and its sprinkling sound mixes up with the heavy waves hitting the shore.
Coffeeshop view |
Here's the view from the coffeshop. Like I said - it's not quite finished. You can walk most of the stairs, but it's impossible to sit on those chairs. There's no sitting while having the coffee you cannot yet order, teehee. But the view... it's spectacular, wouldn't you agree?
Outside in |
From the coffeeshop you have the inside out view. The above shot is from the outside in. Just imagine having a Cup, the whole marina filled with boats and sails and flags and people. Not that it's empty by now. There's Lasers, Nacras, Bandits and on the right side of the shot above there's a handfull of VO65s.
VO65 |
This one in particular caught my eye. Is it the colour? No. Is it the backstays? No... and btw there aren't any
soft shackles. It's the blocks. Check them out... The boat is pink, and the wheels in the blocks are - can you guess it - pink - wooohooo. Just how many boats have that feature? I've never seen it before.
Checkout from Puerto De Malla |
So where are we after all? Dunno... Somewhere in the Mediterranean? Modern boats, ancient castle, palms and coffeeshops... Marseille or something. Perhaps even further south. Regardless, it has the look and ambiance of a place I wanna be. Can't wait till the opening ceremony... I mean, there will be an opening ceremony, right?